Teen - Teacher - 2024-2025

€ 19,90
Ic cart white
Autori : ISBN : 9788853645432 Rivista in abbonamento Materia : English ELT Durata della licenza (in giorni) :
Libro in versione digitale, non cartacea
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  • peso
    Peso libro 13,3 MB
  • pagine
    Pagine libro 16
  • risorse
    Risorse extra 5


Upper intermediate (B2-C1) 5 issues (October-June) A truly teenage-orientated magazine that offers articles on the most recent global current events and on Anglophone countries. An indispensable tool that allows adolescents to read and comprehend with ease topics reflecting their own world. Games provide a lighter note and reinforce the structures presented. INTERACTIVE TESTS INCLUDED