Ready for Planet English International Pre-Intermediate – Workbook

€ 12,50
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Autori : Sarah Jane Lewis ISBN : 9788853640093 Durata : 14 mesi dall'attivazione Rivista in abbonamento Materia : English ELT Durata della licenza (in giorni) :
Libro in versione digitale, non cartacea
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  • peso
    Peso libro 53,1 MB
  • pagine
    Pagine libro 84
  • risorse
    Risorse extra 95


Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension of the English language. Engaging texts and videos help develop critical thinking, communication and collaboration. Ready for Planet English prepares students to communicate in English in the real world with a range of cross-cultural topics, texts and tasks.
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