English Goals Workbook 3

€ 13,60
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Autori : Valentina M. Chen, Joyce Gomes, Monica Bicalho ISBN : 9788853644107 Durata : 14 mesi dall'attivazione Rivista in abbonamento Materia : English ELT Durata della licenza (in giorni) :
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  • peso
    Peso libro 215 MB
  • pagine
    Pagine libro 82
  • risorse
    Risorse extra 158


English Goals is an innovative English language course for lower secondary school students (11-15 y/o) in four levels. The syllabus aims to develop language skills and knowledge as defined by the Council of Europe in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), taking students to B1 level of competences over the course of four years.
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