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Autori : Michael Lacey Freeman ISBN : 9788853636928 Durata : 18 mesi dall'attivazione Rivista in abbonamento Materia : English ELT Durata della licenza (in giorni) :
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Hello! My name is Michael, and this is my secret diary. Well, it’s not really a secret, because I want you to read it. This is my story, but it’s also everybody’s story. Look at the picture on the front of this book. That’s me! I’m going to school, and I’m not very happy about it. The other children are not very kind to me. But I’ve got a very special friend who always helps me. Do you want to know more? Well, open the book and read it. I hope you enjoy it.

Topics School, Family, Friendship,Emotions
Verbs: Present Perfect Simple, Present Simple, Present - Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Future with Going to, Will for future reference, promises and predicitons. - Can for ability and permission, Could for past ability, requests and suggestions - Type One conditionals - Must/ Have to for obligation, Should for suggestions - Common phrasal verbs
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