The Story Garden International 4

$ 19,82
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Autores : Mariagrazia Bertarini, Martha Huber ISBN : 9788853636713 Duración : 14 meses desde la activación Revista de suscripción Asignatura : English ELT Duración de la licencia (días) :
Libro en versión digital, no impreso
Este libro necesita las aplicaciones ELIDigiBook
  • peso
    Tamaño libro 400 MB
  • pagine
    Páginas libro 148
  • risorse
    Recursos extra 168


The Story Garden is a new English language course for primary schools aimed at students from 6 to 11 years old.
The Story Garden is based on The Heart and Mind Approach, that creates synergy between the cognitive and emotional aspects of the students. Emotions and thoughts not only interact, but their integration is essential in the learning process.
Access to the digital book has a duration of 14 months from the date of activation.