Smart Start 1 Student's Book

$ 16,07
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Autores : Mary Roulston ISBN : 9788853636843 Duración : 14 meses desde la activación Revista de suscripción Asignatura : English ELT Duración de la licencia (días) :
Libro en versión digital, no impreso
Este libro necesita las aplicaciones ELIDigiBook
  • peso
    Tamaño libro 500 MB
  • pagine
    Páginas libro 84
  • risorse
    Recursos extra 185


Smart Start is a high-level pre-primary course for children aged between 3 and 5, aimed at schools that teach 5+ hours a week of English. Divided into three levels, the course offers a fun and “smart start” to very young learners.
Access to the digital book has a duration of 14 months from the date of activation.