$ 9,82
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Authors : Lucy Maud Montgomery ISBN : 9788853637239 Duration : 17 months since activation Subscription magazine School subject : English ELT License duration (days) :
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  • peso
    Book weight 95.3 MB
  • pagine
    Book pages 82
  • risorse
    Extra resources 51


The bestselling novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery. In this Reader you will find: Information about Lucy Maud Montgomery | A section focusing on background and context | A glossary of difficult words | Comprehension Activities | an exit test

Tags | Friendship | Emotions

One day, in Canada, an eleven year old girl, Anne, arrives at Green Gables. She is going to live with Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, who are brother and sister. But Anne does not know that Matthew and Marilla want a boy and not a girl.
Access to the digital book has a duration of 18 months from the date of activation.
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